Ignite Presentation
We start off with introducing ourselves and our majors: Josh Danielowski (Mechanical Engineer Major), Asa Wells (Electrical Engineer Major), Reid Courtwright (Mechanical Engineer), Luke Arnold (Mechanical Engineer), Zander Carson (Mechanical Engineer)
The main problem we want to help solve is traffic congestion. Everyone has been stuck in traffic angry such as this grandma here. We want to reduce this.
We were asked two questions: Why isn't public transportation used more often and how would the change of increased self driving cars effect these solutions. To answer the first question, public transportation isn't used as often because the newer generations are becoming more independent. Adults and teenagers are wanting their own cars when it isnt as effective to do so. For the second question, listen to our podcast to find our answer to that!
We start off with introducing ourselves and our majors: Josh Danielowski (Mechanical Engineer Major), Asa Wells (Electrical Engineer Major), Reid Courtwright (Mechanical Engineer), Luke Arnold (Mechanical Engineer), Zander Carson (Mechanical Engineer)